Energy Data

Maximize grid reliability by making targeted, timely investments in DER integration and capacity expansion for electrification

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The integrated platform you’ve been looking for

Through our integrated analytics platform, utilities gain the tools to forecast and plan for grid expansions, enhance distribution efficiency, and seamlessly manage the transition to electrified transportation and buildings.

Prepare for DERs on the Grid

Kevala enables efficient, effective forecasting and planning for DERs with a granular, bottom-up approach. Rapidly design and iterate scenarios to create planning transparency and significantly speed up interconnection request queues.

De-Risk Planning Outcomes

Analyze DER adoption trends and their impacts on grid infrastructure, carbon intensity, production costs, and revenue. Kevala's scalable scenario analytics capabilities enable unprecedented insights into the interaction of technologies, weather, and econometrics.

Improve Communication with Decision Makers

Clearly and compellingly present your plans to internal decision makers, regulators, and stakeholders using Kevala’s visual communication tools and data, ensuring every proposal is understood and well-received.

Drive Strategic Transformation

Leverage Kevala's Professional and Advisory Services, a skilled team of industry professionals and researchers, to enhance platform insights, speed up adoption, and achieve strategic success.

Trusted by
California Public Utilities Commission logoUS Department of Energy logo

Transform energy data into actionable intelligence

DER Adoption and Load Forecasting

Predict and model DER adoption and load impacts at the customer level with a bottom-up approach, ensuring preparation for evolving energy demands years ahead.

Integrated Grid Modeling

All-in-one grid planning tool that enables time series-based forecasting, probabilistic adoption outcomes, and detailed analytics with data integration services.

Grid Carbon Intensity Analysis

Gain comprehensive insights into the carbon intensity at specific locations to support grid and resource planning, program design, and customer engagement.

Non-Wires Alternatives

Explore and validate alternatives to traditional grid upgrades, considering the dynamic performance of DERs.

Building and Transportation Electrification

Track and analyze shifts in energy use with building and transportation electrification, enhancing grid planning accuracy.

Rate Design and Evaluation

Design and evaluate rate structures across customer segments using time series-based rate modeling.

Case Study: Preparing California's Grid for Electrification by 2035

The California Electrification Impacts Study was commissioned by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to determine the distribution grid requirements of state transportation electrification targets.

Kevala analyzed over 100 terabytes of data from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) to explain when, where, and how much utilities will need to invest in grid upgrades.

View the Report

See Kevala in action

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